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Natural Landscape Paintings


Natural landscape paintings by Janice Lyall.


'Venus, Mercury, Neptune and Saturn above Greenland '

'Venus, Mercury, Neptune and Saturn above Greenland '

Oil painting by Janice Lyall

'Stars over Antarctica'

'Stars over Antarctica'

Oil Painting by Janice Lyall

'Moon Rising'

'Moon Rising'

Oil painting by Janice Lyall



'Sunlit mountainsides, Reflecting in still water, Echo Lake's beauty' #Haiku poem Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Reflections in the Lake District'

'Reflections in the Lake District'

'Skies are overcast, Thick clouds of grey climb, then fall As rain, filling Lakes' #haiku poem Oil painting by Janice Lyall



'Soft, velvety tips, Poke out alongside water, Bulrushes stand tall' #Haiku poem Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Bulrushes 2'

'Bulrushes 2'

Bulrushes cast off their fluffy coatings to reveal their velvety heads. When the warmer days come, wildlife will nest amongst the bulrushes as they provide protection at the water's edge. Acrylic Painting by Janice Lyall

'Sun Setting over Hill'

'Sun Setting over Hill'

The last glow of the sun is reflected on the water's surface. A cold night ahead. 'Sun Setting over Hill' watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'Trees in Winter Colour'

'Trees in Winter Colour'

Even in winter, muted colours are reflected from the sky to the snowy surfaces and trees. Watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'Ancient Beech'

'Ancient Beech'

'Ancient, full grown Beech, Dependable canopy, For the forest's floor' #Haiku poem Oil pastel painting by Janice Lyall

'Beechenhurst, Forest of Dean'

'Beechenhurst, Forest of Dean'

The promise of a great saunter through the forest? As this scene is within the designated, official car park, the numerous trails from it beckon invigorating exploration! Watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'Spring Light'

'Spring Light'

There is drama when sunlight cuts through the forest to spotlight the young saplings. So much potential striving to reach the heady heights of the surrounding trees. Watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'Carpets of Autumn Colour'

'Carpets of Autumn Colour'

Autumn, when the leaves are in the midst of being shed, is a season of vibrant colours. The thick carpets are a multitude of reds, yellows and russets in fabulous, papery textures. Acrylic painting on a textured surface by Janice Lyall

'Avenue of Colour'

'Avenue of Colour'

How does it feel walking through avenues of trees in the morning sun? Light bounces back from speckled openings between canopies, enticing wanderers onwards. Walking past the tall trunks, do you feel distant echoes of protection afforded by generations that have come this way before? Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Corfe Castle at Sunset'

'Corfe Castle at Sunset'

'Stark reds radiate, Across settled skies at dusk, Cloaking the landscape' #Haiku poem Oil painting by Janice Lyall

'Full Moon at Corfe Castle'

'Full Moon at Corfe Castle'

'Corfe Castle ruins... Moonlight hits silent, cool stones, Clad in history' #haiku poem Oil painting by Janice Lyall

'Sunset over Gloucester'

'Sunset over Gloucester'

To witness the effects of sunset blanketing the landscape is magnificent, especially if viewed from a distant hillside. Oil painting by Janice Lyall

'Gloucester from Birdlip'

'Gloucester from Birdlip'

Green, verdant vale greets the traveller after the journey through the Cotswolds. Oil painting by Janice Lyall

'Crickley Hill'

'Crickley Hill'

From the steep escarpment, glimpses of the meandering River Severn peek out across the verdant valley it once scored. No wonder this hill hosted major fortifications and became a strategic outlook for countless generations. Did the Romans rest their elephants here before leading them down to the garrison in Glevum? Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Flying Barn Owl in the Setting Sun'

'Flying Barn Owl in the Setting Sun'

The silent flight of the hunter Barn Owl as it glides through the woods. Quite masterful! Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall



'Sentries of trees flank From surrounding, high hillsides, Towards a lone tree' #haiku poem Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Going the Distance  Together'

'Going the Distance Together'

'Companionship, Lightens the struggle uphill, Sharing challenges'  #haiku poem Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Over the brow'

'Over the brow'

Exhilaration & elation of cycling over the brow of the hill. Not brow beaten yet! Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Mist in the Peak District'

'Mist in the Peak District'

A grass laden, golden landscape covered in colours from the distant sun rays. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'The trees are turning'

'The trees are turning'

Its amazing how we gauge the time of year by the trees around us. It seems to take just a few, short days for some trees to turn completely. Oil and acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Tree in Sun and Shadow'

'Tree in Sun and Shadow'

'Withered branches hold, Cascades of leaves soaking sun, Above blue shadows' #haiku poem Oil painting by Janice Lyall

'Low Sun, Tall Shadows'

'Low Sun, Tall Shadows'

The low sun creates beautiful, stark silhouettes through trees which have shed their leaves. This contrasts with the soft, filtered light falling gently across the landscape. Acrylic collage by Janice Lyall

'The Old Orchard'

'The Old Orchard'

How many apples pies have been lovingly baked then savoured through generations? To bake the first apple pie following the first harvest is an autumnal privilege. Pastel painting by Janice Lyall

'Orchard in Blossom'

'Orchard in Blossom'

'Dreamscapes of petals, Fluttering down from branches, Blanketing the ground' #haiku poem Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Tree in Blossom (2)'

'Tree in Blossom (2)'

'Laden with blossom, With hopes of bountiful fruits, And nectar for bees' #Haiku poem Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Tree in Blossom'

'Tree in Blossom'

Bursting in colour, sweet aromas fill the air to attract the lazy, indulgent insects. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Tree in Summer'

'Tree in Summer'

'Larders laden trees, Providing luscious, ripe fruit, Delicious to eat' #haiku poem Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Pretty in Pink'

'Pretty in Pink'

Painting - always so many questions & decisions - it can be exhausting!  Then, unexpectedly, a picture just seems to paint itself. 'Pretty in Pink?' Why did I think of that title? Mixed media painting by Janice Lyall

'Gentle Stroll'

'Gentle Stroll'

'No stick to pick up, No strain upon a taut lead, My stroll is my own' #haiku poem Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Autumn below the escarpment'

'Autumn below the escarpment'

'Red, Yellow, Orange, Harmonious, yet vivid, Against dark landscapes' #haiku poem Oil pastel painting by Janice Lyall

'Autumn Tree'

'Autumn Tree'

'Its fruit has fallen, It takes centre stage to bow, Farewell in Autumn' #haiku poem Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'A splash of colour in the  Woods'

'A splash of colour in the Woods'

Move your head quickly in the woods and the afterimage of many colours will appear momentarily before the brain takes command 'it's a wood, so it must be green and brown'. Acrylic abstract by Janice Lyall

'Towards May Hill'

'Towards May Hill'

Its a clear, still night and the River Severn is meandering slowly along its ancient course. The moonlit sandbanks appear soft and pristine as the calm waters lap up against them. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Severn Bore in Moonlight'

'Severn Bore in Moonlight'

The Severn Bore Wave is different to a wave at sea. The height of river water racing behind it can be well over a metre, flooding banks and altering the direction of flow. Catch it on a Spring tide in moonlight. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall



Snow flattens the rugged landscape, enabling downhill runs for intrepid skiers. The air is fresh in the blue sky, however patches of ice hardened snow lurk in shadows.

'Across the A40'

'Across the A40'

In the late afternoon of a cold and still December Day, the sounds can be muffled by the snow and sometimes it is easy to imagine that the busy A40 is just not there. Oil painting by Janice Lyall

'The Walk from Highnam'

'The Walk from Highnam'

On a clear day, when the ground is blanketed in snow, the distances appear greater somehow and the horizon seems like it could even be close to a sea, rather than to distant hills. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Mid Afternoon Thaw'

'Mid Afternoon Thaw'

Late December as the afternoon sun begins to sink in the sky, the drips of the thaw are still discernible. Its going to be another chilly night. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'View from the escarpment'

'View from the escarpment'

'Glimpses of colour, Blues recede in the distance, Warm hues in foreground' #haiku poem Oil, abstract painting by Janice Lyall

'Sun on the Peaks'

'Sun on the Peaks'

Colour is woken as the early morning sun's rays touch down on the Peaks Watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'Fields of Colour'

'Fields of Colour'

Early Summer afternoons, fields resonate with rich colour, attracting vital insect life. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Sycamore Leaves'

'Sycamore Leaves'

I am told that some people dislike the large, colourful leaves and regard them as a nuisance. I adore their colouring and find that the leaves quickly break down into a glorious mulch which is much loved by insects, supporting many birds. Oil pastel painting by Janice Lyall

'The Boating Lake'

'The Boating Lake'

Along the flood plain of the River Severn, was a small boating lake which was a glorious setting for picnics in the height of the summer. The lake was very shallow, making it perfect for children to paddle their own canoe. New footpaths and cycle ways are being created to enhance the usefulness of the area at other times of the year. Watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'Keep to the Path'

'Keep to the Path'

Light and colour show the way to the traveller, whilst darkness and watchful eyes hide in the trees and undergrowth. Watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'The Woods Tonight'

'The Woods Tonight'

'If you go down to the woods tonight...' The surprise is seeing tree trunks lit up from the side, contrasting with the dark backgrounds. Watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'Rocky Foundations'

'Rocky Foundations'

'Roots dig down seeking, Water trickling through thin cracks, In worn, rounded rocks'. #haiku poem Watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'Late Autumn in Gloucestershire'

'Late Autumn in Gloucestershire'

The starkness of late Autumn gives a cold, grey impression to the harsh landscape. There is a sense of foreboding in the air of winter approaching. Watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'Early Morning Sun through the Tall Trees'

'Early Morning Sun through the Tall Trees'

The low, soft sunlight casts incredible light on the bases of the trees. The bark seems like a patchwork of colour and texture. The musty air has a dryness to it, perfect for finding mushrooms Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Late Autumn Colour in the Forest of Dean'

'Late Autumn Colour in the Forest of Dean'

The temperature has dropped and the golden colour is quickly being replaced by a bleached, 'shabby chic' effect. Mixed media painting by Janice Lyall Collaged, acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Early Autumn Colour in the Forest of Dean'

'Early Autumn Colour in the Forest of Dean'

In the first few days of Autumn, the deciduous trees can be picked out amongst the evergreens, to give a mosaic of colour and textures. The ferns turn crisp and golden, before they shortly whither and wilt. Mixed media painting by Janice Lyall

'Highnam Church at Night'

'Highnam Church at Night'

When the church is lit up at night, the spire towers over the tops of the tallest of trees. What a skyline! Watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'Wych Elm'

'Wych Elm'

Even the name harks back through ancient history. The spelling might be different, but I can't help picturing ladies cooking in cauldrons beneath its branches. A true native and sadly becoming rare. Acrylic Painting by Janice Lyall

'Tree of Heaven'

'Tree of Heaven'

'A tree reaching the skies'. Prolific in many gardens, however not many trees are left to reach their full height. It is one of the toughest trees to withstand dry, polluted urban sites and less likely to be impacted by climate change. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall



I will never forget the huge sycamore tree that we played beneath as children. The seeds spawned huge competitions amongst us. Who could spin our plane the farthest? Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'English Oak'

'English Oak'

The English Oak can only be described by the 'great' adjectives: 'strong', 'sturdy', 'stout', 'dependable'.... try adding to this list and you might 'summon up resolve' and feel that 'heart of oak' within. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Crab Apple'

'Crab Apple'

Whilst crab apples are not great for cooking, the trees themselves have a beauty that surpasses many other varieties. This particular tree, bent over through the years has a warm inviting stance, appreciated by a plethora of wildlife. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Norway Spruce'

'Norway Spruce'

Most people know the younger tree as the 'Christmas Tree'. This mature one doesn't need the adornment of added decoration for it to look spectacular in the light. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'A Bright & Crispy Morning'

'A Bright & Crispy Morning'

The bright, crispy mornings always seem magical. Its easy to imagine a lyrical Jack Frost skipping over the landscape and spreading his sparkle throughout the night until the first light of dawn. Acrylic painting by conservation artist Janice Lyall

'The Stillness Echoes'

'The Stillness Echoes'

If you have walked in a forest in snow, apart from the trudge of your boots, you will have noticed the deep muffled silence and then instantly become alert at any shrill sound echoing through the trees. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'View from a Gloucestershire train'

'View from a Gloucestershire train'

One of the advantages of train travel is the occasional ability to view scenery up close, without hedges and other road distractions. A study painting using acrylics.

'Last Light Over Fields'

'Last Light Over Fields'

As the sky sheds its last light in dramatic sunset, the colour in the fields fades and mist rises. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Mist over Gloucester from Birdlip Hill'

'Mist over Gloucester from Birdlip Hill'

Mist rises from the valley floor, obscuring all details below, as if looking across a steamy sea. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Late Summer Storm Gathering'

'Late Summer Storm Gathering'

'Clouds forming, storming, Building crescendo above. Electrifying' #haiku poem Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'The Race Upstream'

'The Race Upstream'

The River Severn is one of the few rivers in the world to have a Bore twice a day. The Severn Bore alters the direction of the current for a period which helps the young elvers race upstream. Autumn and Spring yield the highest waves. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Beneath Cooper's Edge'

'Beneath Cooper's Edge'

The blanket of snow covers the fields and hills as one. Seemingly, only a few tall buildings and trees rise up in the valley below Cooper's Edge. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Head Above the Clouds'

'Head Above the Clouds'

A study painting in watercolour. This is an attempt to depict the vast distances upwards, downwards and sideways. Watercolour painting by Janice Lyall

'Woods Abstracted'

'Woods Abstracted'

Mature woodlands are full of textures - the branches, the roots, the bracken, fallen leaves and mulch. All with earthly aromas, blanketed beneath the overhanging branches. Textured, acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Blossom Wood'

'Blossom Wood'

What to do with left-over paint & to avoid waste? Experimentation time? 'Learning by doing' time? Play time?  Yay! Maybe its messy, but its a great way to clean up. Anything may happen! Is 'Fairy Blossom' sat in the branches? Oil, abstract painting by Janice Lyall

'Waiting for the Rain to Stop'

'Waiting for the Rain to Stop'

'Tibberton Show 2015'

'Tibberton Show 2015'

I never cease to be amazed by the work and dedication that goes in to growing the most perfect flower, the biggest marrow or the most delicious cake. The pride and warmth of the 'Show', the friendly volunteers and the humorous childrens' arrangements always fill me with delight. An acrylic painting by conservation artist Janice Lyall

'Preparing for the Feast'

'Preparing for the Feast'

Many of us prepare shopping lists for Christmas: sprouts, broccoli, carrots, parsnips, turnips, cauliflower, onions, red cabbage....the list goes on. Oh, mustn't forget the cranberries. Acrylic painting by Janice Lyall

'Fun at Newent Onion Fayre'

'Fun at Newent Onion Fayre'

......And its all about Onions! The entire base of the market hall is piled with sackfuls of onions in all shapes, sizes and colours. Bystanders are fascinated to watch onions being strung by dexterous fingers and sympathise with contestants brave enough to tackle the raw onion eating contests. Its a day of celebration, live music, Morris dancing, fun fairs and of course, eating. 'Shallot to see!' Watercolour painting by conservation artist Janice Lyall

Myndblue Gallery cathedral

© 2014 by Myndblue Limited. Art Work & Paintings by Janice Lyall

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